Callan Egan



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Intro Projects Experience Skills


Budget Confocal Microscope

An open source project with the aim to make the highly useful but prohibitively expensive technique of confocal microscopy accessible to all. By using off the shelf parts and custom 3D printed pieces I created a highly replicable confocal microscope unit for £1500. This was a solo project so I worked on all aspects including optics, mechanical design, 3D printing, electronics and programming.

A full report on the project is available here: Report

It’s own webpage with results and instructions is available here: Page

The open-source repository with all the CAD files, BOM and build instructions is available here: Repository


Microfluidic Blood-Brain-Barrier Chip

This group project aimed to create an in-vitro model of the BBB in order to be able to test the suitability of imaging agents for glioblastoma diagnosis and analysis. The device consisted of a microfluidic chip with a cell culture within to mimic the BBB and a sensor setup to assess how much imaging agent could pass throught the barrier. I was the project manager and worked on microfluidic chip design and fabrication.

A full report on the project is available here: Report


Hospital Bed Monitoring System

Built a web-app created for nurses in hospital to keep track of which patients need to be moved based on their risk factors and how long they’ve been in the same position. The web-app was built using Vaadin as a framework. It was written in Java and SQL and was deployed using Heroku. The ultimate goal is to integrate such an app with bed sensors to significantly reduce the workload of nurses and prevent infections.

The web-app can be accessed HERE


Electronic Brailler for teaching Maths

Created a refreshable braille display for teaching maths to visually impaired students.
